To be honest am stress up with my workload and people around me..
But somehow, when seeing my duty roster
There’s nothing can make me happy ...other than knowing the time is come...
It's My LEAVE!!!
I’ll be home soon.
To my dearest families,
I’ll be home this month.
Am missing those kiddo J
My life complete knowing that each of them missing me so much!
I can hugs and kiss each of them.
Because everyone will be home this April!
Life is great when seeing your love one in front of you.
Thank You Allah for giving me an opportunity to be love and be missing by others.
How wonderful it is.
Here i attached some faces~~it's my sisters, brothers and cousins.~
Bila rindu tengok gambar pun jadi laaaa~~~
Another heroes in my life

baju merah: baby erra yg sgt comel!
si noni dgn kucing kelabu!
si liza with her new camera!