Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Exam Fever

Left 2 subjects to settle on
before sit for the nursing board exam on June.
Consciously realize that I have few days to go before my final exam
for community health nursing and mental health nursing papers.
Revising the whole notes make my head spinning. -always-
Actually I still don’t have the mood of revising…
But am trying hard you know..
aja-aja fighting!
Am take things too easy,

especially when it comes to exam.

Moods of LAZINESS and RELAXATION are keeping playing on my mind.
But,I won’t let my final semester spoil because of those moodS.
Get to sit back and continue reading my notes.
Reminding myself why I have to do this and what I want to be.
When I decide to study means my body starts to work on it
and my soul going to receive it.

My exam will be on Friday (27th march 09) for both papers.
May Allah bless me and my other course mates.
with godwilling each of us can answer all the question
Apologize to those who feel hurts by me.
Continue praying for me.

my exam docket are ready,

it just me need to be prepare.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Friday night with the Messenger story


Alhamdulillah ,
As usual during Friday night we are having yassin reading
I just came back from nilai uc surau from celebrating the Maulidur Rasul.
Although it passed few weeks after the exact date,
Well it is our honor to celebrate it.

We just listened to some history of our Beloved Prophet Muhammad SAW
And continue with some prayers.
At my previous post, I did say that my college didn’t celebrate it right?
Actually they are celebrating it but it just in simple way and not as a major event or even a minor event for the college. -huhu-
Might be I just don’t remember it -fewtttt-

Our beloved prophet Muhammad SAW’s was the greatest human in the whole world.
-that’s my believe through my religion-islam-

here some picture dat my friend captured.
enjoy :)
the gentleman

the ladies

well, both parties increase in number only tonight :)
khusyuk lorr-neway we r reading zikir-Nice ::

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

My Ears heard My Soul felt.

Currently am listening to sami yusuf new album title without you -Year 2009,
Sami Yusuf is a British singer-songwriter, composer, producer and accomplished musician.
Present Islamic music to the whole world.
Sami is devoutly spiritual and often uses his art and music as a means of promoting the messages of love, mercy, peace and tolerance, whilst encouraging the youth to be proud of their identity.
More info visit his website

one of his song from without you album.

If there were a single sacred rose
On a mountain top that grows
Where nobody ever dares to go
For you
I’d climb that mountain high
I would reach up to the sky
If that rose was your desire

Don’t you know that
I Would do anything
Would do anythingFor you
I would do anything
Would do anything
Anything for you
For you,
I would sail the seven seas
Walk the deserts in between
Just to bring you anything you need
Nothing could ever be too much
Anything to show my love
‘Cos it gives me strength enough

Don’t you
Don’t you
Don’t you know that
I Would do anything
Would do anything
For you
You know that
I Would do anything
Would do anything
Anything for you
For you
I would take on any trial
And I would walk on through the fire
You give me strength enough to face it all
You make me feel invincible

‘Cos I would do anything
Anything for you
You know that
I Would do anything
Would do anything
Anything for you

These things are nothing to
All the things you do for me
You are my dream come true

A love I never knew you see
I’d take on a mountain high
Just to see you smile for me
You make me want to be
The very best that I can be

I would do anything
Anything for you
You know that
I Would do anything
Would do anything
Anything for you.



Maulidur rasul..-isnin-

What make we feel happy with the day and date?
Haha…for sure we going to say “public hols”
Right?... itu la yg berlaku..asal tau ja ada public holiday enda kisah la apa perayaan sekalipun.
masa d high school (smp) memang BEST sbb setiap thn mesti celebrate
and i can feel the ukhuwah.
how i miss those days.-smp-
bykla laa...
ada pertandingan nasyid juga...-smua BEST2-hehe besala kan..
kelas2 berlian mesti hantar wakil..
dr junior sampai senior.
smua mo menang..eseh...
ingat lagi utk class berlian form1 2001
-esehh..beria2 cari lagu ada gaya lagi tue siap mengubah2 kunun lirik tue-
sampai mati aku ingat..i.Allah..
itula yg bestnya bila celebrate maulidur rasul d SMP =)
tapi skrg nie..
college aku mana la ada sambutan cam gitu..paling2 public hols ja la kan..
lepas tu..bila public hols..sendiri mo ingat laa...
pandai2 la mo isi hari maulidur rasul..
life is about choices..

Thankful to ALLAH,
Because I still breathe and can feel the fresh air.
Muhammad SAW, is the messenger from Allah.
He leaves us with Sunnah and Quran, But how many of us apply and read it as one of our activity of daily living?
He helps us to find the right way and become a good Islamic.
But do we realize it?
Do we appreciate it?
Maulidur rasul.. (12 rabiul awal)
What that’s mean?
That was the day of prophet Muhammad SAW born.
But he never asked us to celebrate it;
He just asked us to continue praying and make our day as a day that full with thankful and devotion to Allah.

Rasulullah saw bersabda

“Jangan memperbesarkan mengenai aku seperti Kristian memperbesarkan mengenai anak Maryam.Aku hanyalah hamba, jadi katakanlah,hamba Allah dan pesuruhNya”


Allah telah berfirman :

“Taatilah Allah dan Rasulnya jika kamu berpaling maka sesungguhnya Allah tidak menyukai orang-orang kafir”


I just want to share this with the rest.

-selamat menyambut maulidur rasul-

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Time to Work

Busy with classes?-i only have 2 hours revision class compare to previous sem-
Obviously am not busy with that.

My blank pages filled with all the revision notes.
Revision notes?

Approximately that is what we have been discussed in class.
How bout my own notes?
For god shake!!!
I still floating and looking forward to make it. -hahahaa-
(Hope so.)
Suddenly feel so lazy to settle down everything. (astagfirullahalaazim)
Time passed, without realizing left few weeks before my final exam for community health nursing and psychiatric nursing.
Just sit back and continue reading till I get everything done.

aja-aja fighting!!

Continue praying to Allah and never lose hope will be my strength.
My family and friends will be my reason to continue life.
Went for jogging will be the best solution for me to express it out.
“Sweats is the best thing when you’re depress”
Listen to my music will be the way to shout out.
“May Allah shows me the light and help me to get the right way”


HE will give you the light.

Continue put the hopes and trust.
Never lose it.
Continue praying and Allah will continue listen.
He knows the best for us.
Bad or good there’s a reason things happen.
Be thankful and appreciate things.
When we put the trust on Him,
With god willing He shows us the light.
We just need to be patient and continue praying.
No matter how long we have to wait, there’s a hope for us.
Remember that.
This is just another chapter of our life.
A beginning with no ending
It just likes:
Story books that won’t be publish out, cause it will never ends till we face death.

May Allah bless us-ameen-