Friday, November 13, 2009

ohh...Mandi Bunga???

again mistake happen...and why everytime i will be the person who always stuck in it?
truth to said " i traumatize with paeds pt"....
i hate this...i tried so hard to enjoy n love my workload but still i will get the probs.
i just had this conversation with my girlfriends last 2 days :

lisz: u shud go mandi bunga
gee: ya laa...go buy bunga at shop than start mandi
me: are sure?? just buy and mandi?
sim: y not? just mandi laa...hahaha...
lisz: ya laa...ur november so shui..
mas: yeah rit...but no baca2 before mandi ka?
gee: apa mo baca? mantera kaa??hahaha
mas: gosh!! do i noe??
sim: no need lorr..just mandi laa.
lisz: a'aah la mas...mandi ja..
mas: ahhh...ya la tu...

we end up with laughing..
although we had stupid conversation but i love least we still have thing to laugh and share...
thanks guys 4 being so supportive.

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