Nothing Precious than knowing You!

Selamat Hari Lahir!

My dear Norlini Jamain!
knowing you as my great friend was the Best Present From Allah!
Having you with me completed my life.
You just like an apple in my Pie...(aku cuma kurang cheese
dlm makaroni..hehe)
and i do Need ur advice and ur words in certain circumstances!
Nothing priceless then having u as my GOOD FRIENDS.
my Families Love u too..
always =)
no matter how hard its life am still happy knowing you still around!
thanks sis!
my secret safely kept in you!
and no one understand me as much as u did!
no matter how long how frequent i stay or be with them..
no one did like u!
and it makes me miss u more!

tHanks for sharing and be with me either for GOOD or BAD one..
Even though we seldom meet up nowdays, i noe u Miss me *perasan*
hahaha..cause i do the same!
i miss you!
everything, our gossip,jokes, bedtime story,our weekend activities and our moment at Nilai 2!

no matter how difficult or complicated its life, you will have the strength to face it and keep smiling!!
all the best my friend!
*baru i perasan..lama sdh kita enda ambik gambar bersama >.<'''*

special Message to Mr afzan!
u better look after my best friend or else ..
i'll pray every second to Allah that u'll get the pay later on-bad one okay-
but still not that cruel =)
I know that she LOVE u so much!
so U better appreciate it!
Love you my friend! forever and always!
1 comment:
tenkiu for the post..
ada bha gmbr time ry ari tue..
ayat yg last2 tue bhaa..siap mgugut nie..
rindu plak tgk pic mkn ice cream wif harris tue..
and olso the moment memorizes nama2 parasite for exam time d nilai dulu..n now..hafal sorg2.. :(
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