Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Exam Fever

Left 2 subjects to settle on
before sit for the nursing board exam on June.
Consciously realize that I have few days to go before my final exam
for community health nursing and mental health nursing papers.
Revising the whole notes make my head spinning. -always-
Actually I still don’t have the mood of revising…
But am trying hard you know..
aja-aja fighting!
Am take things too easy,

especially when it comes to exam.

Moods of LAZINESS and RELAXATION are keeping playing on my mind.
But,I won’t let my final semester spoil because of those moodS.
Get to sit back and continue reading my notes.
Reminding myself why I have to do this and what I want to be.
When I decide to study means my body starts to work on it
and my soul going to receive it.

My exam will be on Friday (27th march 09) for both papers.
May Allah bless me and my other course mates.
with godwilling each of us can answer all the question
Apologize to those who feel hurts by me.
Continue praying for me.

my exam docket are ready,

it just me need to be prepare.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

all da best..
only two paper..
will b okay..
dun wori too much..
juz go through ur notes..
try to understand n memorize wat u can..
will pray for u..insyallah..
baca doa b4 start..
dun forget ur id n docket..