Maulidur rasul..-isnin-
What make we feel happy with the day and date?
Haha…for sure we going to say “public hols”
Right?... itu la yg berlaku..asal tau ja ada public holiday enda kisah la apa perayaan sekalipun.
masa d high school (smp) memang BEST sbb setiap thn mesti celebrate
and i can feel the ukhuwah.
how i miss those days.-smp-
bykla laa...
ada pertandingan nasyid juga...-smua BEST2-hehe besala kan..
kelas2 berlian mesti hantar wakil..
dr junior sampai senior.
smua mo menang..eseh...
ingat lagi utk class berlian form1 2001
-esehh..beria2 cari lagu ada gaya lagi tue siap mengubah2 kunun lirik tue-
sampai mati aku ingat..i.Allah..
itula yg bestnya bila celebrate maulidur rasul d SMP =)
tapi skrg nie..
college aku mana la ada sambutan cam gitu..paling2 public hols ja la kan..
lepas tu..bila public hols..sendiri mo ingat laa...
pandai2 la mo isi hari maulidur rasul..
life is about choices..
Thankful to ALLAH,
Because I still breathe and can feel the fresh air.
Muhammad SAW, is the messenger from Allah.
He leaves us with Sunnah and Quran, But how many of us apply and read it as one of our activity of daily living?
He helps us to find the right way and become a good Islamic.
But do we realize it?
Do we appreciate it?
Maulidur rasul.. (12 rabiul awal)
What that’s mean?
That was the day of prophet Muhammad SAW born.
But he never asked us to celebrate it;
He just asked us to continue praying and make our day as a day that full with thankful and devotion to Allah.
Rasulullah saw bersabda
“Jangan memperbesarkan mengenai aku seperti Kristian memperbesarkan mengenai anak Maryam.Aku hanyalah hamba, jadi katakanlah,hamba Allah dan pesuruhNya”
Allah telah berfirman :
“Taatilah Allah dan Rasulnya jika kamu berpaling maka sesungguhnya Allah tidak menyukai orang-orang kafir”
I just want to share this with the rest.
-selamat menyambut maulidur rasul-
1 comment:
salam sayang....ehem2x hehe
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