Alhamdulillah ,
As usual during Friday night we are having yassin reading
I just came back from nilai uc surau from celebrating the Maulidur Rasul.
Although it passed few weeks after the exact date,
Well it is our honor to celebrate it.
We just listened to some history of our Beloved Prophet Muhammad SAW
And continue with some prayers.
At my previous post, I did say that my college didn’t celebrate it right?
Actually they are celebrating it but it just in simple way and not as a major event or even a minor event for the college. -huhu-
Might be I just don’t remember it -fewtttt-
Our beloved prophet Muhammad SAW’s was the greatest human in the whole world.
-that’s my believe through my religion-islam-
here some picture dat my friend captured.
enjoy :)
the gentleman
the ladies

well, both parties increase in number only tonight :)
alhamdulillah..semakin ramai..hopefully akn bterusan..insyallah..amin..
lini i shud higlight dis
-only dat nite-..
but tue laa...
alhamdulilla...ada yg dtg...:)
at least ramai gak dtg dr besa..
hope rajin2kan laa kaki ke surau..
seminggu sekali jak gather ramai2..
wlupon sepatutnya lima kali sehari..
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