What’s that? Heard before? Sounds different right?
Frankly speaking this is my 1st time.
It’s not a rainbow colors or a traffic light colors but it’s a combination of black, white and brown. Wow.. Confuse? Haha..
That’s what happens to me when my friend said” 3 colors tea”
This is how I know this drink and a little bit addicted on it.
Not only me, include my naughty friends shella,fatin, lini and soon will be k.sue..(haha)
Frankly speaking this is my 1st time.
It’s not a rainbow colors or a traffic light colors but it’s a combination of black, white and brown. Wow.. Confuse? Haha..
That’s what happens to me when my friend said” 3 colors tea”
This is how I know this drink and a little bit addicted on it.
Not only me, include my naughty friends shella,fatin, lini and soon will be k.sue..(haha)

The color was not clear.~3 color tea~
During that night I and lini went to café and meet-up with shella, fatin and k.sue.
And the conversations start: jeng..jeng..jeng…
Mas: fatin, apa kau minum tu?
Fatin: 3 colour tea.
Mas: hah? Apasal color dia pelik? Panas ka sejuk?
Shella: memang mcm tu la..habis bah sudah nie.
sedap tau mas. Sejuk bah..(dengan nada kekenyangan)
Lini: air apa?
k.sue: 3 colour tea
And the conversations start: jeng..jeng..jeng…
Mas: fatin, apa kau minum tu?
Fatin: 3 colour tea.
Mas: hah? Apasal color dia pelik? Panas ka sejuk?
Shella: memang mcm tu la..habis bah sudah nie.
sedap tau mas. Sejuk bah..(dengan nada kekenyangan)
Lini: air apa?
k.sue: 3 colour tea
mas: pelik pula,sedap? Letak apa?(blurr nie)
k.sue: gula melaka, susu cair dan teh.
Fatin: sedap mas, lini, ini dah kali kedua kitaorg minum untuk hari ini
(dengan penuh bersungguh2)
Mas: berapa harga? k.sue dah cuba ker?
Fatin: rm 1.60, sue tak cuba lagi.
k.sue: ini nak cuba lah ni.(dengan penuh harapan)
Mas: lini, cam sedap ja nie.. k.sue beli dulu, mas rasa sikit.
Kalau sedap…Beres.. (sambil tersenyum)
k.sue: ok
Fatin: sedap mas, lini, ini dah kali kedua kitaorg minum untuk hari ini
(dengan penuh bersungguh2)
Mas: berapa harga? k.sue dah cuba ker?
Fatin: rm 1.60, sue tak cuba lagi.
k.sue: ini nak cuba lah ni.(dengan penuh harapan)
Mas: lini, cam sedap ja nie.. k.sue beli dulu, mas rasa sikit.
Kalau sedap…Beres.. (sambil tersenyum)
k.sue: ok
k.sue pun pergila dengan senyuman serta harapan untuk mendapatkan secawan
“3 color tea”
fatin: sedap mas, perlahan-lahan kitaorg minum sampai tak nak bagi tumpah
(dengan penuh nikmat)
Mas: betul bah.
Shella: a’aa mas..sampai enda mo kasih tumpa, berhati-hati bila kacau.
k.sue came with her three color tea.
mas: k.sue cepatla rasa.
k.sue: kejap la..nak kacau dulu, tak leh bagi tumpah(dgn penuh berhati2)
slurrppp…the she make faces (blurr..)
Mas: betul bah.
Shella: a’aa mas..sampai enda mo kasih tumpa, berhati-hati bila kacau.
k.sue came with her three color tea.
mas: k.sue cepatla rasa.
k.sue: kejap la..nak kacau dulu, tak leh bagi tumpah(dgn penuh berhati2)
slurrppp…the she make faces (blurr..)
mas: k.sue..tak sedap ka?…(hairan)
k.sue: huhuhu..(awalnya dia buat cara mo muntah)
sedapnya ..slurpp... (dgn penuh nikmat 3 color tea)
(mcm iklan mamie slurpp ja)
mas: lah…buat suspend jer.
k.sue: nah, rasa sikit.
Mas: not bad nice mcm cendol..(From hand to hand)
Lini: a’aa mcm cendol
Mas: boleh la ni
mas: lah…buat suspend jer.
k.sue: nah, rasa sikit.
Mas: not bad nice mcm cendol..(From hand to hand)
Lini: a’aa mcm cendol
Mas: boleh la ni

actually this is the time 2 see, good fren or a cup of 3 color tea
Then, I and lini decided to drink 3 color tea. They keep on remind us not to spill even a drop of it and watch out when stir the 3 color tea.
Both of us try no to spill the tea.
It was really precious to us. (kelakar..precious bah..haha)
But that’s a fact, we try no to spill it and enjoy every sip of it.
Haha.. I never expect it will be like this.
Slurrpppppppp…yummy……..(thumbs up)
Speechless for a second... and try to describe it, well it is tasty and a little bit cendol taste on it. And when drink it I felt that am back in 15 years ago, just because it using "gula melaka" and it has good aroma…
Well, its sounds historical “gula melaka”
You will feel like want to drink and drink and more. Besides, the mug was so small.
And to be honest you feel not enough and need more. (Shouting “I WANT MORE!!!!”)
Both of us try no to spill the tea.
It was really precious to us. (kelakar..precious bah..haha)
But that’s a fact, we try no to spill it and enjoy every sip of it.
Haha.. I never expect it will be like this.
Slurrpppppppp…yummy……..(thumbs up)
Speechless for a second... and try to describe it, well it is tasty and a little bit cendol taste on it. And when drink it I felt that am back in 15 years ago, just because it using "gula melaka" and it has good aroma…
Well, its sounds historical “gula melaka”
You will feel like want to drink and drink and more. Besides, the mug was so small.
And to be honest you feel not enough and need more. (Shouting “I WANT MORE!!!!”)

wat will happen after this? did shella knock fatin's head? or just let fatin drink peacefully?
Wei, people out there!!
It’s true that 3 color tea delicious.
Enjoy it then you can feel it.
At this moment I only know the 3 color tea available at Nilai UC.
Sounds like u guys have to come and try it.
This is just an introduction to “3 color tea” and will see what will happen to me and my friends. Are we going to continue drinking and enjoying every sip of it or we will get bored after 2 weeks.
ohh ini! anu ni, ni femes d swk. apa drg panggil ni aa.. erm. teh-c special kalu sa tia silap. haha. lama suda ni boss. tp memang sedap la. i like. haha
teh madrasah ba tu kan kena panggil..kan ka? hahaha..3 color tea..not bad. While reading ur blog, i find dat ure developing ur writing skills. way to go girl! try to make less grammatical errors ^_^
hai...nice story about the tea. hehehhe...
mimi, bah..thanks dude..
kau kan eng teacher aku slamanya..
teh madrasah?...bah 2 b honest lupa..mcm pernah minum...
joy, nah...tu la..sbb dia lama n enda famos la aku cam lupa..haha...tapi itula..sedap!!!
new addiction...=D
nyummy2..3 kaler tea..lalala~~..
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