3 years ago I was in form 5; it’s a good experience for me.
Spending most of my time in school with my revision classes (including Saturday)
And not including my training time.(handball)
To be honest, I miss that moment where I have great time with my high school friend.
That’s what we think when holidays started. But the problem is we don’t have same holidays.
And we have to plan it over and over.
Alhamdulillah we managed to meet each other although not everyone can attend. But at least, we meet up and go for dinner, right?
Hahaha… damn miss each other.
Well, this is a good opportunity for us to meet, since some of us studying at overseas
Spending most of my time in school with my revision classes (including Saturday)
And not including my training time.(handball)
To be honest, I miss that moment where I have great time with my high school friend.
That’s what we think when holidays started. But the problem is we don’t have same holidays.
And we have to plan it over and over.
Alhamdulillah we managed to meet each other although not everyone can attend. But at least, we meet up and go for dinner, right?
Hahaha… damn miss each other.
Well, this is a good opportunity for us to meet, since some of us studying at overseas
(summer holidays) and peninsular Malaysia (semester break)
This is the 3rd year we having reunion with different people from our class.
Looking forward to meet the other classmate (berlian 01-05)
This is the 3rd year we having reunion with different people from our class.
Looking forward to meet the other classmate (berlian 01-05)
Having dinner at apple café, 1 Borneo…
Start with our gossip. There’s so many thing to share with, well it’s kind of hard for us to talk with either through phone, text, messenger, or mail.
Everyone busy with their own programmed and this night is the time for us to break the distance and share what we need too. “Sharing is caring”
cool guys..long time didn't share izzit?
Time was really envy on us, we spending almost 3 hours at that café. Then we decided to continue sharing time at secret recipe.
Not so long to be there, besides, deena and shofia decided having meal there. Me and the rest, having great dessert.(ice-cream and cakes)
Aini; thanks for the ice-cream
During that night, mimi was so worried.
Kind of funny actually, never though that she will be this scared. I know her for so long, but I never see her like this.
She’s staying in hostel, suppose to be in hostel by 10.30 pm. Instead of being there at 10.30pm, we still at secret recipe have good laugh and she still pretend not to be worried.
But actually she does.
My cousin is the one who send her.
Alhamdulillah we reach there safely and we don’t have problem with the guard
Yahoooo… and I can see mimi smiling.
I and aini accompany her till her block. Well, it’s a little bit scary the way to her block.
Which is use stairs and look like you are in the forest. (IPG hostel)
My cousin is the one who send her.
Alhamdulillah we reach there safely and we don’t have problem with the guard
Yahoooo… and I can see mimi smiling.
I and aini accompany her till her block. Well, it’s a little bit scary the way to her block.
Which is use stairs and look like you are in the forest. (IPG hostel)
all of us
Aini, a gud friend of mine..miss me ok? haha.. stdy smart :P
deena, my lovely friend, don't be naughty, stay focus(hopefuly u get mumtaz)
Shofia,, nana, n sue; my story friends, u guys a great..new topic in town..good adviser...
Mimi, my sis and future teacher, you deserve it.
Lini, my best buddy, my adviser, my matchmaker…(i guess)..great having u here at nilai UC
Those who didn’t attend, it’s ok...
All of us miss u guys; we still have time to meet right?
May ALLAH bless all of u. wish u guys all the best. " bring out the best in you"
quite a nice english u have...
not like me...
Don’t say so.. I do have grammatical mistake. But somehow am lucky I got friends/families who always help me.
Well, you can improve yours by reading books/paper, communicate in English, listen to music and also watching English movie(without bahasa subtitle)
piweet..congrats la kt mas sbb blog yg kiut ni. tp plg congrats sbb upload pix yg ada aku..so btambah la kekiutan blog ko. nxt tym, byk2kan lg la pix aku spaya btambah lg kekiutan blog ko..lastly, smoga blog ko btambah kiut miut 4ever n ever...
miss u..insyaAllah wat reunion la yee..yippee
piweet..congrats la kt mas sbb blog yg kiut ni. tp plg congrats sbb upload pix yg ada aku..so btambah la kekiutan blog ko. nxt tym, byk2kan lg la pix aku spaya btambah lg kekiutan blog ko..lastly, smoga blog ko btambah kiut miut 4ever n ever...
miss u..insyaAllah wat reunion la yee..yippee
neway thanks 4 reading..
agak2 la..mcm mana mo letak gambar kau kalau kita enda jumpa..unless gambar zaman kanak2(below 18teen)
miss u 2..
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