Friday, November 5, 2010

Y must u in my mind?

still can't erase u from my mind!
every inches of him remind me of u!
and am still stuck with those old days!
and now i start to lose my focus!
and the world around me disappear.
still praying every inch of my fiber.
alhamdulillah, with Allah bless i will!
ya Allah give me the strength!
show me the way....


Niesya Sya said...

Seriously, I think this is the most funniest post in ur blog!!
well, doesn't matter la he's on ur mind.
layan jer Mas.
Kalu x, mesti kau luper kan???
ok laa tue. :)
At least, it reminds u of all those days, aite?? :P
If not, mesti ko luper. kan da xbest tue. :)

Masleeha T. said...

funniest ah??
aduii..wat eva.. u said...
at least tak luper...
hahaha =)

lynie said...

errmm..i wonder..who is the "U"..tlalu ramaiiiii..