intelligent people sometimes lose their humanity..
the more we know the more we understand right?
i just don't understand why must us blaming others instead of helping them to be more better than who they are.
Life is short my dear!
money is nothing without the sense of humanity.
U have good relationship with God- might be-
but how bout other human beings?
be extra careful.
what u give is what u get.
either today, tomorrow or the day after.
The situation might be force you to behave in such way..
but please don't let the situation controlling you
cause when you did...that's it man!
cause you are silently killing them with your words.
am praying hard that none of my love one be one of them...
let intelligent help us to be more humanity and have the sense of caring
don't make it as a ticket for us to find fault on other.

an old man carrying trash with the young one.
as we grows we need someone to teach us and to be with us.
no matter what we are doing, we are in learning process.
what we does today shown who we are in future.
Ya Allah give me and my friends the strength to face all those intelligent people who lose their humanity
great,,thx for d advice
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