Read... read and continue reading.
Memorize and understand every single phrase that you read
Try to re-call every single words that been mention in the class and try to flip all the notes that been wrote during the class.
Yeah right, now everyone try to focus and revise everything that they been learning through out the semester.
Memorize and understand every single phrase that you read
Try to re-call every single words that been mention in the class and try to flip all the notes that been wrote during the class.
Yeah right, now everyone try to focus and revise everything that they been learning through out the semester.

Although you are busy with your revision don’t forget to have your meal
have a good rest (sleep well)
so, that you will have energy to burst out during exam day and will be more confident in answering your paper.
if you don't, you'll get crammed and no energy to answer.

My juniors;
yeah…you guys just finish exam last week, don’t you?
And my seniors esp k.sue
LJM exam just around the corner, hope u guys can pass with flying colors.
Shella, and fatin;
one paper for this sem, well this is your final semester. May Allah bless both of you
keep working k. get enough sleep;
don’t stay up so late, its sounds like you are killing yourself. 3 papers more to go!!!
Doa+usaha+tawakal= kejayaan

To all people out there who will be having test or exam, wish u guys all the best.
And may all the works that you have done will get pay off with your results.
teruskn usaha...
usaha tangga kejayaan
usaha tangga kjayaan..
..killing myself for the last three paper..haha..then,i'll be free..horeeeyy..btw,thnx a lot..
haha..yeah rit..killing urself..
hohoo..then u will b free till next year july...n me? will continue fighting till next year, july
wish u all d best..for God knows dat every1 who puts efforts wil be granted equal reward =)
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