Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Zirah my junior I did it – part II-

You have to list 7 weird things about yourself, post it in your blog, tag at least 7 people (list their names), and comment on their blog to let them know that you just tagged them.

7 weird things bout me:

I can stay in my room at hostel for a week without going out.
Excluded go to toilet and buy food.

I can stay in my auntie house at Kl
without going out from the house for 2 weeks.

I don’t know how to show my anger in front of my friends.

I don’t like hating people and I don’t know how to express
when I dislike someone.

Cry when asking money from my mom.
– malu bah…meminta :(-

I enjoy drinking coffee with my families.
–itupun enjoy kan?
Tapi memang enjoy :)
lagi2 coffee bean d damai.. aiseehhh

I enjoy doing housework
- aduii cam rajin la pula :p-

Mimi Noorsin
Aini Atiqah


Ocha said...

Tx for ur comment on my blog Nursing and Medicine. For tagged... no problem and tx.

Anonymous said...

mas,hujung minggu aku fill in tagged tu ah heahea...take care ya

SMK Pengiran Omar II said...

eseh...semua ni seben seben ja ni..nda da sembilan ka..my lucky number. hahahahhaha! starbux ba sdap dr coffee bean.

Unknown said...

hehe. sudah aku buat :))
ohh lps exam nursing board, qualified la suda ne? hihi.
nursing ba tu,, berbakti kpd masyarakat :D

Kakai said...

tengs once again kaka masliha,sdh bt tagnya! :p

Masleeha T. said...

terima kasih la kepada mereka yg telah buat apa yg aku tagged kan

ocha,thanks 4 ur comment.
nurul, enda apa..take ur time..
kau pun busy kan?
mimi,7 ja ok..no lebih2..haha..
coffee bean came first,lgpun itu ja ada di damai..starbuck br buka d kk..sapa suruh dia lambat..jgn ko risau aku tetap minum :P
jgn ko buat2 enda tau...buat tagged aku!!

i.allah aku lulus cemerlang lesen tu :)
serve for community bah :)

cik adik kakai, mesti kau sdh gembira? haha :p
no hal :)