When I saw the clock it was 10.30am.
In rushed I get-up from the bed and directly went to took shower.
It’s 11.00 am and my mobile phone rang for the second time.
The first thing in my mind was my ticket. Does she get a ticket for me?
When I answered her, “yahoo, thanks for it.”
She did it!!
Locked-up the door and went out from the house.
Queuing up for the tickets made me breathless.
It’s about the time. It was really envy on me.
Reached there at 11.30 am and the movie starts at 11.45am.
Directly enter the hall and looks for my sit.
I couldn’t get a pop corn for my self.
at last i watched twilight!!

It’s about loves between vampire and human.
How does he control himself and how does he protecting his girlfriend, bella.
This movie really gave a big impact on me.
Edward cullens, a vampire guy which is bella boyfriend.
Scared and secure, that’s what he tried to hide from bella
For bella, Edward is everything.
No matter who he is, he still Edward a boy who will never ever hurt her.
Gosh.. It was unbelievable.
How strong she is.
Have to keeps the entire secret from her parents, and friends.
Have to confront the vampire’s family member.
Have to hurt her dad when she walked away from home.
Have to face the devil vampire, james.

Edward, a protected guy who falls in loves.
Secure and always be there for bella.
Watching bella from far and be there when she needed.
Gosh!! How sweet it is.
Well, I guess every female in this world need someone who can protect them and Be there when they need it.

From theater I continue my steps to food court.
Had lunch with andrea.
Currently she is working at Isetan, KLCC.
Right from there I went to Kinokuniya.
Am searching for novel that been asked from my cousin, shasha.
Unfortunately I couldn’t get it.
And I just bought new novel for my self.
-my bestfriend's girl by dorothy koomson-
How far would you go for the best friend who broke your heart?

Well kind of excited because of it.
I’ll have a break first with updating my blog and give a way to my new novel.
wooo..luv Twilight!!! very2 touching..cair hati tgk ni...ahahaha
hahaha..tau enda apa...
aduii..bygkan diri jadi bella skjp..haha :P
dah tgk dah...
layan gak citernya... touching doh
mmg saya terlambat tgk mvie tue..
tuela..protective si edward tu..
haizzz :)
told u to watch it ^_^
mas..untag me from ur blog pls. jgn letak aku dlm cronies ko. il let u know y.
twilight di mana2 haish :)
assalammualaikum...masssssssss aku mo tinguk jugakkkkkkkk isk,,sik,,,
haha..itula bahh..
aku rasa best...cerita dia enda la sefamous harry potter cuma jln cerita dia berbeza sikit n watak dlm tu berbeza :D
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