most of us don’t even know what is parasite and how it looks like.
Looks unique and pretty but indeed it brings infection to human being.
Looks unique and pretty but indeed it brings infection to human being.
A parasite lives in a close relationship with another organism, its host, and causes it harm. The parasite is dependent on its host for its life functions.

Huhu.. That is just a part of protozoa.
Still have another group of parasites such as nematode, athropods and others.
still have more to memorize and understand.
Easy for her to pronounce and memorize the entire parasites name.
Well, it’s good for her since that is one of the subjects.
Lini’s is having her final semester exam,
Easy for her to pronounce and memorize the entire parasites name.
Well, it’s good for her since that is one of the subjects.
Lini’s is having her final semester exam,
so, I was helping her through out the revision.
Listen to the entire parasites name and the lab diagnosis including the life cycle.
Wow…lots of thing to memorize.
To be honest she’s good in memorizing parasites name but not well in memorizing the diseases. That’s a fact..*I guess u admit that lini*
Lucky I have the view of the parasites and the diseases,
so am not so shocked when listen to the weird names.
Listen to the entire parasites name and the lab diagnosis including the life cycle.
Wow…lots of thing to memorize.
To be honest she’s good in memorizing parasites name but not well in memorizing the diseases. That’s a fact..*I guess u admit that lini*
Lucky I have the view of the parasites and the diseases,
so am not so shocked when listen to the weird names.
Sounds like Italian words.
*memang words dr greek kalau enda silap*
While doing the revision,
While doing the revision,
we still have time to chit-chat a.k.a gossiping.
As usual lini’s continue with her reading and me too.
I start to revise all the subject that been learn for this 2 years and it’s a lot.
Since this is her final semester and last revision with me.
I’m going to miss this. (Revision+laughing+eating+gossiping.)
Hey buddy, wish u all the best.
As usual lini’s continue with her reading and me too.
I start to revise all the subject that been learn for this 2 years and it’s a lot.
Since this is her final semester and last revision with me.
I’m going to miss this. (Revision+laughing+eating+gossiping.)
Hey buddy, wish u all the best.

*picture taken;2007*
mcm ko mo ckp ada benda kutur ni d kpala 'her' hahahahaa..rupanya len benda..bikin suspen ja..mcm mo mengumpat pdhal mo ckp c lini revise hahaha sot. wish d two of u all d best! nda la kepala aku masi larat menghafal segala benda sains...bersara sda. ui aku ada jmpa cikgu yeo kemarin hee~
hoho..haha..itula kau..
kasi suspen bahh
baca dulu br tau..
ko jumpa cikgu yeo dmana?
ko rasa dia msih tinggal dkat kdai shan tao ka?
panjang umur dia kan..alhamdulilla.
harap2 sempat dia tgk aku jadi nurse...haha.. :P
still remember pneumocystis carinii..comel kn?!..n at microbe..got pneumocystis jerovici<===(bt dis one nda comel)..haha..thnx a lot for the revision session..at last,spend hari2 terakhir d kolej..huhu..a bit sad actually..:(
yaa...i admit dat..if the disease masi bleh hafal..but when it comes to the method collection of the specimen..i become this (n_n)'..got one drop peluh jatuh di tepi..hahaha..
p/s: mimi,bsara sdh?!..haha..owh,cg yeo..cg geo kita..cg yg myuruh kita lukis peta2 dunia..siap kaler2 lagi tue..
haha..kalau u satu peluh utk hafal method..when u ask me to hafal the parasite na...
pneumocystis carinii ja lah yg aku suka
haha..cute la katakan..
ya lorr..cg yeoh slalu suruh lukis peta lepas tu color..wawa..sdhla aku enda pandai lukis..main tekap ja...
sampai masa blajar bio..nah..enda boleh tekap..
wawa :(
jumpa cegu yeo d wisma merdeka and d weird thing isssss dia nda kenal aku..waaa!!! tp dia kenal kakak aku! and dia tnya lg psl kakak aku yg satu tu! and dia tnya lg psl abg aku! tp dia igt aku!!!!!!!!! ciss..
aku rs masi kali dia tgl sn hehe.
u'uh bsara sda lini..sda aku tglkan time d matrix. Frankly speaking, i only heart chemistry in science wahahaha..:D
haha..dia enda kenal kau mimi..
andu nahhh...haha..boleh pula dia terfikir kakak n abg ko jak..haizz :(
kesian cikgu teh kalau dia dgr..(apa blh buat)
c.chung mesti gembira sbb std dia suka kimia..wawa..itu yg paling dia suka :P
cerita disease segalaaa'
takut2 ;))
haha..neway..thanks izzah...:P
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