Sunday, December 7, 2008

Nasi Lemak 6 Pagi

Nasi Lemak 6 a.m!!!
Sunday the day after Saturday...
Another wonderful day, no classes, wake-up late, lunch at 3pm (padahal exam weeks now)
Didn’t sleep for the whole night and change the routine (like an owl)
Hungry!! That’s what I can shout when I didn’t sleep for the whole night

The thing in my mind was Nasi lemak 6 am.
"Lini,call afzan to buy for us…"

haha...hahaha.. :)*both of us laughing*
afzan lini's bf a.k.a partner in crime is the one who always help us to buy at cempaka puri

(off-campus hostel)
But now he at KK.. Spending every moment there..(Grad od.)

Hehe..neway thanks afzan cause helping us (mestilakan..lini's partner in crime :P)

(exmple) almost the same;you can choose the side dish.
and now Bread will replace that nasi lemak on sunday.

NO to nasi lemak
YES to gardenia Raisin Oatmeal bread

like diet la kononnya but still gain weight :P
(lupakanla diet,nikmatila makanan)


Muhaimin said...

mkn je sementara boleh...hehhehe...
nti dah tua, kena berpantang gak... tp beringat gak...mkn utk hidup je ye

Masleeha T. said...

lagi2 bila musim perayaan..:)

Anonymous said...

come..pinjam keta..kita g car..if got car,sure we can go n get it for our nyummy2 breakfast..

SMK Pengiran Omar II said...

aku jam 6 pagi nda idup lg hahahaha.. :p

Masleeha T. said...

lini;kereta pak guard ja la..
or else kau mengurat la...sdhla ramai yg cuti sdh..yg tinggal smua..
mimi;haha..itula kau..
haha...kau enda tau nikmat mkn nasi lemak 6pagi nie..haizz :)

Anonymous said... not the one who gonna "meng0rat"..haizz~~..ndamau ehh..nda bek ehh kak mas nie..mengajar yg bukan2..

p/s: yaa,mimi..u should try..haha..

Bimz said...

makan la selagi mampu...
nanti mangas??

Masleeha T. said...

non..ya lah..bkn cam kau diet ja..:P
itula kurus..tgk aku sama si lini makin sihat :)

SMK Pengiran Omar II said... try la~ :D

Anonymous said...

wei..bkn nasi lemak 4 pagi ka?
tp sedap bos..
nda tau la bila lagi dpt mkn tu...

Masleeha T. said...

diala tu boss..cuma aku p tukar since pigi beli pun jam 6 hahaha :P