when i heard,
my heart cries..
why should i?
cause it Hurt!
more than i expect!
thank you for it!
the distance doesn't make difference..
u better stay away rather than turn back to me!
thank you for your words..
am trying harder here!
at least the morning breeze tell me.
the thunder shows me
and the rain cries on behalf...
am just too sensitive...
no regret after all..
Life totally difficult...
thank you for completing my life yet thank you for hurting me too.
distance make us connect deeply it just the matter of time!
p/s: to my peluru2..no worries am fine...
totally fine and good here! *smiling*
counting my days to be meeting up with u guys..
love always!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Thank You
Thank You!
thank you for the tears..
thank you for the heartache..
thank you for making my adrenaline pumping faster cause of worried.
thank you for making my brain cells active.
Last but not least
thank you for sharing with me..
I do Hurt...and
I just hope i'll never LOST you...
Thank You Allah.
Another days of living..
Another days to breath...
thank you for the tears..
thank you for the heartache..
thank you for making my adrenaline pumping faster cause of worried.
thank you for making my brain cells active.
Last but not least
thank you for sharing with me..
I do Hurt...and
I just hope i'll never LOST you...
Thank You Allah.
Another days of living..
Another days to breath...
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Terima Kasih Tuhanku I
Terima Kasih Allah.
ada lagi hayat di hari ini,
Kasih dan sujudku hanya padamu
hijriah sekali lagi
aku pula?
perlu berubah
ke arah lebih bagus dan dewasa
siapa aku tanpa tuhanku
kerana tuhanku yang maha Esa
aku masih mampu berdiri
kekuatan ku darimu
kesetiaanku padamu
tunjukkan aku jalan yang benar.
aku mohon sepenuh hati
uji yang aku mampu
kerana aku sedar mana lemahku.
tapi aku mungkin alpa
mana kekuatanku
aku perlu Engkau membantu
Maha Esa,
bantulah Hambamu ini
Perlu kekuatan
Perlu Kesedaran
Kasih mu,
Berkat mu,
adalah makanan diriku...
Terima kasih atas hidup ini
Hari ini, dan untuk esok.
Terima Kasih Tuhanku!
Terima Kasih Allah.
ada lagi hayat di hari ini,
Kasih dan sujudku hanya padamu
hijriah sekali lagi
aku pula?
perlu berubah
ke arah lebih bagus dan dewasa
siapa aku tanpa tuhanku
kerana tuhanku yang maha Esa
aku masih mampu berdiri
kekuatan ku darimu
kesetiaanku padamu
tunjukkan aku jalan yang benar.
aku mohon sepenuh hati
uji yang aku mampu
kerana aku sedar mana lemahku.
tapi aku mungkin alpa
mana kekuatanku
aku perlu Engkau membantu
Maha Esa,
bantulah Hambamu ini
Perlu kekuatan
Perlu Kesedaran
Kasih mu,
Berkat mu,
adalah makanan diriku...
Terima kasih atas hidup ini
Hari ini, dan untuk esok.
Terima Kasih Tuhanku!
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Again with the intelligent people
sometimes i do dying with intelligent people..
Complaining and Blaming..haha..
Life is short,
so i am enjoying and i do experience new things..
owhh another day to breath!..Alhamdulillah =)
thank You Allah
p/s: u might be master in sense of theory but still u need someone to guide or be with u when it comes to practical.
never underestimated people arounds u
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Escape MATES!
i ESCAPE with them!
and it was FUN and MEMORABLE!

not forgotten MOM and THE REST!
I miss EVERYONE hugs and kisses esp when sending me back!
i do want to HUG them but I just CAN'T!!
I have my ESCAPE MATES to HUG and PLAY with!
i might be not in their list of special person...
for me they are IN MY LIST
Thank You Allah!
Owh..short one okay~
am counting the day!
i'll be meeting up with my darlings!
feeling like flying without wings now..
thank you Allah for everything.
I do admit...
i cried when i too stress and when am totally feeling down..
am thankful cause having my GREAT FRIENDS with me.
U test me in hard way yet u give me the great one.

owh can't wait to meet each of them!!
my geng keras from Nilai is coming!!
my doctor said:
" the greatest thing in life is when u can solve your problem instead of running away from it"
thank you ALLAH..for everything
SPM fever! all the best my SAYANG

my Sayang Natasha idrus~
wish you all the best in SPM 2010 okay dear!
may Allah help u..
bring out the best in u!
no matter how difficult it is..
take a deep breath and answer with a smile face.
n remember i Love u!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Eid Hajj, Eid Mubarak everyone!
eid hajj, eid mubarak everyone!
i miss home!
i didn't hear any raya song, or any sounds of fire crackers...
and as far as i conscious no one rushing going back to their hometown..
and as for me,
the only thing touched my soul was the takbir from the nearest mosque..
Ya Allah thanks for the takbir.
another year of celebration...
my sacrifices NOT BIG as what prophet ibrahim a.s did..
but i do promise...
as long as i breath,
i will do it sincerely and no pressure.
appreciate every single thing of living.
learn as much as i can.
never lose my Humanity and my empathy.
Truthfully to my Almighty Allah
Bring out the best from me.
I will never stop Loving my Families and Friends.
Islam as my guideline of living..
remember Masliha,
nothing precious than have the bless from Allah.

owh my lovely cousins...
salam aidiladha everyone!
miss u guys!!
not forgotten the rest!!

feel free to read this:
p/s: as i ever said before...
i have 23 years more to achieve my BIGGEST dream..
travel around before my age of 45years old..
with the Bless from Allah...Insya Allah...i'll go to mecca!
and Egypt..for pyramid!!...
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Terima Kasih Kawan!
bila ketetapan tuhan
pasti tiada yg berubah..
cuma yakin dan menerima semua..
hadapi dengan senyuman..
semua yg terjadi biar terjadi.
Hadapi dengan tenang wahai Jiwa...
semoga smua baik2 saja.
Sujud syukur ku hanya padamu.
Terima Kasih kerana Hadirkan
Keluarga Yang penyayang,
Rakan2 yg prihatin.

Maaf kalau saya agak Kasar dan mungkin Mengecewakan kamu
Terima kasih kawan2
kerana prihatin Pada saya!
saya mampu senyum puas sebab saya tahu Kamu SAYANG saya!
sesungguhnya Saya SAYANG kamu okay =)
mcm entry sebelum ini..
kawan saya pesan
" apa pun yg terjadi, ku kan selalu ada untukmu
janganla bersedih cause everything gonna be okay"
p/s: kepada cinta hati saya, bila fikir2 saya rasa kamu cuma watak sampingan sebab mereka telah jadi watak utama...saya perlu masa...
Ice Cream!!

yummy!!!!Ice cream!
Honestly It can change my MOOD!
and right after eating...
i'll be Like
"Cool man!"
when I was a kid,
i do remember when someone bought
me an ice-cream..
jumping up and down!
saying THANKS numbers of time..
(time kindergarden okay)
Last time ice-cream just coast us rm0.20 cents okay..
and affordable for kids like me,
where dad just gave me rm 2/day (primary sch )
and today i just can't search for rm o.20...
no matter how much it coast me as long as it is ice-cream..
cause only the flavor make it different.
and as usual..i LOVE choc, N berry =)
But still am a good eater, just give me any flavor i can make a try.
No worries.
during at Nilai,
i DO have Geng Keras eating ice cream..
twice a week i and Lynie having it.
we tried diff flavor till we satisfied.
and today I have nEw mates to share.
Thank You Allah.

I had always thought that once you grew up you could do anything you wanted - stay up all night or eat ice-cream straight out of the container.
NOT only Bill said so...
i do feel it...Btw,
when my kiddo time, i ever ate a container of it alone without my parents acknowledge.
i tell u!
it was AWESOME!
i just LOVE when it melts cause i can feel the coldness of it....
"i feel good"
I Found this :
The origins of ice cream can be traced back to at least the 4th century B.C. Early references include the Roman emperor Nero (A.D. 37-68) who ordered ice to be brought from the mountains and combined with fruit toppings, and King Tang (A.D. 618-97) of Shang, China who had a method of creating ice and milk concoctions. Ice cream was likely brought from China back to Europe. Over time, recipes for ices, sherbets, and milk ices evolved and served in the fashionable Italian and French royal courts.
After the dessert was imported to the United States, it was served by several famous Americans. George Washington and Thomas Jefferson served it to their guests. In 1700, Governor Bladen of Maryland was recorded as having served it to his guests. In 1774, a London caterer named Philip Lenzi announced in a New York newspaper that he would be offering for sale various confections, including ice cream. Dolly Madison served it in 1812.
can u imagine how hard it is earlier on?
Thanks to them..
without their hard work, i don't think i can taste it and share it.
Sweet 17teen
Another Bday girl!
not to late i guess..
still in november...and don't even a week passed..
MY lOVELY auntie!
Selamat Hari Lahir Along ANi!
❤ u!
sweet 17teen...never get older or younger...
may ALLAH bless you and be with u Always!
Thanks for being with me and the rest as we growing..
Nothing precious than knowing You ❤ US.

Am praying every second of living for u!
hopefully u get the best one!
thanks again for the advices and the nag
caused without that i don't think i'm good and strong as today.
I just can't Count by Money How much should I pay u.
cause i do OWE u A lot..
mORE than enough!

May Allah bless u ! forever and always.
Great seeing u Happy.
Remember i do LOVE n Miss U!
❤ always,
Masliha Tiwol.
Nusajaya,Johor Darul Takzim
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Intelligent people lose their Humanity
intelligent people sometimes lose their humanity..
the more we know the more we understand right?
i just don't understand why must us blaming others instead of helping them to be more better than who they are.
Life is short my dear!
money is nothing without the sense of humanity.
U have good relationship with God- might be-
but how bout other human beings?
be extra careful.
what u give is what u get.
either today, tomorrow or the day after.
The situation might be force you to behave in such way..
but please don't let the situation controlling you
cause when you did...that's it man!
cause you are silently killing them with your words.
am praying hard that none of my love one be one of them...
let intelligent help us to be more humanity and have the sense of caring
don't make it as a ticket for us to find fault on other.

an old man carrying trash with the young one.
as we grows we need someone to teach us and to be with us.
no matter what we are doing, we are in learning process.
what we does today shown who we are in future.
Ya Allah give me and my friends the strength to face all those intelligent people who lose their humanity
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Peluru Saya!
Terima Kasih wahai peluru2 saya!
tembakan kali ini TEPAT okay!
saya Sayang Kamu!
bait2 lirik yg kamu kasi memang BEST okay!
Lagu kasih kamu mengalir dalam nadi saya!
Sayang kamu kekal dlm ingatan saya!
Terima Kasih Atas semua Semangat!!!
semestinya Saya rindu Kamu!
"kawan saya kata: apapun yg terjadi ku kan selalu ada utkmu,jgnla kau bersedih cause everything gonna be okay"
"kawan saya kata: get it out of your system A.S.A.P and live ur day like it never happened k"
"remember: don't be afraid, just be strong!, don't u give up keep ur chin up and be happy!"
i DON'T need that vibrate!
i hate that vibrate..
ignorance..angry..fed-up..bored..(package okay)
but sometimes the environment is killing me silently!
totally killing...
and it was totally GREAT one... Really Great!
i do believe...
How GOOD u laugh, that will shows how BAD u cries.
and thats a fact my dear!
Ya Allah Give me the strength..
and because of you am standing stronger than yesterday..
as mom ever said
" no matter how big is ur mistake, i still can give u the forgiveness, no matter how offended am i, i still can let it go, cause i love u more than ever and i believe in u, but remember the outsider can't do that"
and as dad said
" treat people the way u like to be treated and never take revenge."
" if u angry to someone just be calm and control yourself cause i know you will burst till make someone suffer n felt Hurt more than u can imagine my darl"
till today..am holding and keeping it safely but as a human being i do failed.
i do Burst out..but not that bad..better than before..and i hate it..
cause it will be totally unexpected!
ya Allah am praying hard here, please give me the strength and please send me those people who can be love and be with me either for good or bad one...
Thank you Allah
p/s: saya perlu peluru2 saya
sbb mereka tahu saya sedang bersedih!
dan saya rindu kamu!
Message from friend,
Tersirat dan tersurat
Saturday, November 6, 2010
i do need time machine darling.
how i wish to remain as a kids!
where i don't have to think much..
dat's it babe!
but till when ?
the best memories i had in life!
i can't turn back that time.
if i have a time machine...
i will turn it and go backwards.
replay all the GREAT moments.
when i was a kids.
i have so many friends.
every afternoon we do play together.
either playing with the kites, throwing slippers and run, hide and seek
and lots more.
i do play at playgrounds.
my aunts do fetch me and send me to swim.
i do went out for small parties.
and the best one..
i did walk from home to masjid likas with the
(20mins walking from home)
i tell you!
that was the GREATEST one ever
and till today
it still fresh in my mind..
And at my age of 22.
i still play with the KITES =)
am sharing a kites with my 3 girls..
Niesa: my sleepmates
Wen2: my fightmates
miza: my photomates

Above picture,
am thinking to have that one...
unfortunately not so windy and i don't think it can fly higher...
so, i didn't get it...
p/s: Nazerra, this is the kite that i told u last time.

owhh..proudly to say:
That is our Kites.

the kite park =)

and we do play with the bubbles =)

and not forgotten the ice-cream!

owh..miss both of u too!
remind me all those days at Nilai!
we jogg, we play kites,we went to pasar malam..
and we did so much thing together =P

my mates! =)

am enjoying every moments of living =)
thank you Allah..
Friday, November 5, 2010
Y must u in my mind?
still can't erase u from my mind!
every inches of him remind me of u!
and am still stuck with those old days!
and now i start to lose my focus!
and the world around me disappear.
still praying every inch of my fiber.
alhamdulillah, with Allah bless i will!
ya Allah give me the strength!
show me the way....
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
ACT wisely
U grown up babe!
think twice...act wise
i have no right to force or to angry...
and unfortunately, i don't have the authority to say No =)
u choose and decide on your own ...
Thanks FB
Thanks to FB!
Cause updating me..
viewing my great friends pictures!
how i missed them so much!
they just drop me a message " view my latest pix dear"
and it is!!
hahaha..and i did it!
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Worried 0_0
when u are worried
u just cried on your own..
and Allah will listen to your prayer.
just continue praying!
p/s: not every single thing u need to share =)
Saturday, October 30, 2010
am fighting here!
"tragedy was a destiny..
fighting every inch of our fiber"
Pray for the strength =)
Pray for the strength =)
Thursday, October 28, 2010
It's Your DAY!
Nothing Precious than knowing You!

Selamat Hari Lahir!

My dear Norlini Jamain!
knowing you as my great friend was the Best Present From Allah!
Having you with me completed my life.
You just like an apple in my Pie...(aku cuma kurang cheese
dlm makaroni..hehe)
and i do Need ur advice and ur words in certain circumstances!
Nothing priceless then having u as my GOOD FRIENDS.
my Families Love u too..
always =)
no matter how hard its life am still happy knowing you still around!
thanks sis!
my secret safely kept in you!
and no one understand me as much as u did!
no matter how long how frequent i stay or be with them..
no one did like u!
and it makes me miss u more!

tHanks for sharing and be with me either for GOOD or BAD one..
Even though we seldom meet up nowdays, i noe u Miss me *perasan*
hahaha..cause i do the same!
i miss you!
everything, our gossip,jokes, bedtime story,our weekend activities and our moment at Nilai 2!

no matter how difficult or complicated its life, you will have the strength to face it and keep smiling!!
all the best my friend!
*baru i perasan..lama sdh kita enda ambik gambar bersama >.<'''*

special Message to Mr afzan!
u better look after my best friend or else ..
i'll pray every second to Allah that u'll get the pay later on-bad one okay-
but still not that cruel =)
I know that she LOVE u so much!
so U better appreciate it!
Love you my friend! forever and always!
How i Wish =)
I wish we had another time,
I wish we had another place,
But everything we have is stuck in the moment,
And there's nothing my heart can do,
To fight with time and space 'cause,
I'm still stuck in the moment with you,
I wish we had another place,
But everything we have is stuck in the moment,
And there's nothing my heart can do,
To fight with time and space 'cause,
I'm still stuck in the moment with you,
Monday, October 25, 2010
Learn by Heart my Dear
when you learn it by heart and in hard way u will never forget it!
"i don't have the right to force..
"i don't have the right to force..
u choose and decide on your own"
as a friend am just advising and it's your right either to listen or not...take it or leave it!
you might said am a cruel person but i just don't want you to repeat the same mistake
cause at the end of the day i will work with you.
i might sounds selfish but when you in dangerous means am in dangerous too..
cause we are in the same path.
my words today might killing each cells in your body but it will remind you how important in focusing what you are doing.
am just being OUTSPOKEN cause i don't learn how to hide my feelings and i learn to be Honest with my words.
REMEMBER: a trust starts with a honest words.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
I Can't
You're stuck on me and my laughing eyes...
I can't pretend though I try to hide..
you still pretend and i'll wait.
till u said so..
I just ♥ this!!
Enjoy guys!
I can't pretend though I try to hide..
you still pretend and i'll wait.
till u said so..
I just ♥ this!!
Enjoy guys!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
u Just need to Laugh!
A laugh is a smile that
- Mary H. Waldrip-

A friendly look,
a kindly smile, one good act,
and life's worthwhile.

our great moments will safely kept in my heart and mind.
leave all the bad moments behind.
nothing precious than having a great friends.
lets live life to the fullest.
enjoy every second of life okay..
leave all the bad memories behind and remember u still have us to share your tears.
give us a chance to listen, will try our best okay.
don't make your past as a reason for you not to mingle around.
leave it babe!
keep praying and stay stronger my dear!
Remember we Love u kay =)
Monday, October 18, 2010
Saya Rasa!
saya rasa..
saya perlu bernafas dengan baik.
merasa nikmat hidup lebih indah
kerana esok mungkin berbeza
terima kasih tuhan!
peluang teindah!
Nikmat yg tidak terkata!
Terima Kasih sekali lagi!
adding oil in the morning, and remove some waste product!
Just finished my night shift with Nasyrah N Mek..
well, as usual.
Hungry babe! i need breakfast
and my tummy start to yell " owh please...feed me!!"
and Yes i will...in process thinking where should we go for breakfast..
with the emptied tummy i and nasyrah went home and met mek.
well, she's driving and we just by bike.
met her and heading to Perling area, near to the mosque.
Kak Umi, our Icu RN who introduce us to this place..
owhh..seeing the food there make my eyes turn a round, my heartbeat pounded faster and faster!
Gosh it's a food!!!
well, we start ordering..*exciting+hungry looks*
kami: bagi roti telur x 2, roti telur bawang 2, ...ermm...ada apa lagi?
waiter: laksa johor,nasi lemak, lontong kering dan lontong basah.
kami: okay...bagi lontong basah satu.
waiter: minium?
kami: nescafe o ais, teh o ais, teh tarik.
waiter okay....
in few mins..
me: nak tambah order.
waiter: okay.
me: nasi lemak paruh.
waiter: okay..
food coming and everyone eyes was staring at us.
gosh! i tell u, they might feel like " WHAT??"
but as for us..NORMAL~~~
owh felt bless with the food in front!
then we start ordering for Nisa, Farah and Lau.
well, they at work od.
so, here we are..adding orders.
when the orders done.
waiter 1: ini dia bungkus =he put on the table.
waiter 2: ala, letak la kat tempat lain meja dah penuh tu, takder ruang.
Kami: *Looking at each other with the stupor response"
after they leave us..
we were like : DAMN!!! hahaha
after finished my meal, my tummy starting again...
owh this feeling like removing what did i add in...
complete the payment.
rush to the petrol station..
and UNFORTUNATELY the ladies is in cleaning process...
Left the Men place...and without shame...HERE WE ARE..am in!
i need to pee at least..hahahaa...
and Mek standing out there to inform if there's a people to be in...
owhh...finally am safe! finish with the pee part..
felt better actually...
and during that period.
owh when i think Back,....Funny babe!
*i don't care anymore when i need to remove my waste product =)
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Sleepy Mode...

i just hate when am too tired and sleepy..
frankly, am easily high temper n sensitive....
people won't realize that sometimes they are killing others with their words but they might did it unintentionly.
so, just leave it...i can't do anything unless listen to it
well, this is life.
today we might laugh together and tomorrow i might be hurt because of your laugh..
so, just be prepared....
when this kind of thing happen am starting to miss lYnie..
oh dear..i miss you so much!!
wish u were here!
Saturday, October 16, 2010
gLObe makes me Dreaming and Wishing
Wishing my legs can walk and fly as far as i can!

i have 23 years more to go...
owh...dreaming of round the world before the age of 45!
preety cool hah?
well, thinking how should i?
in case...get married in between, preggie? family matter, or get die earlier?
phew...this is what we called challange..
nahhh...am preety sure regarding the list of places..
and i just need to work on it baby!

excited reading and seeing via net regarding places of interest in the world.
Listening to my aunts n friends story..
make my minds keep on repeating and telling me..
it's a must babe!
make it as on of ur Greatest experience ever.
there is so many places to visit ...!
ooucchh many in list babe!
i might entering places that i would like to visit after this...
excluded places i went before =)
Thursday, October 14, 2010

as we continue living,
we do need some one to hold our
hands and be with us.
families is the best supporter ever in life.
but friends will be the next!

I Need them as MY SPICES!

this one-lt side:-...my lovely niesa will be always said this" aku penat la mas...ngantuk"
will be her routine conversation to me before go TO zZZZZZZzzz..
and another one...
my WEN-wEN...
ALWAYS n ITS A MUST she will be saying this
" wat should we have fo dinner later?"
owhhh...Funny Mates!!!
Wen Wen u grown Up babe!
singing to my friend...lalala...happy bday to u!!!!
Grow up babe!!
thanks for being one of my good mates here!
don't be naughty okay!
and pLease:
diet babe!!
travel with me and niesa!

a birthday it just the first day of another 365hours journey around the sun!

be good!
don't too sensitive and moody!
control your food intake!

Last But Not least!
remember i have my ear to listen and shoulder for u to lean on.
don't keep on your own.
hugs and kisses ..
LOVE ya =)
Raya Escape! September Ends!
well, it might be late to post those pictures..
just lazy to update it..(^_^)..i need time......
September ends and it's October now!
i went home!
spending most of the time with my lovely families!
here some pictures i attached together.

they Are My Herbs in my Soup =)
Thank You Allah ..
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