Monday, December 29, 2008
another year of life
Another year of hijrah. 1430,
new beginning of the year in islam calendar.
What had I done for 1429?
Did I do the right thing for my own life?
Did I enjoy my whole life with spending my time doing the right things?
A lot of things need to be done and need to be carried out.
Life goes on.
Even the year’s change, do I change my self?
*kawan aku ckp kita mesti berubah!!-utk kebaikan-*
Last 2 days, I did YM with my friends.
To be honest I wasn’t expected that question.
“mas apa hajat tahun baru kau?, lagipun kita mo masuk 21 thn sudah..”
*sounds like that*
I was laughing when reading her text. To be honest I never bother about the age of 21st.
But yet, am scared with growing older.
Yeah rit, a lot of things need to be carried out.
Life? Career? And everything.
Life is full of surprise. Anything is waiting in front of me. As I move on with life there’s a few people out there will always stay next to me and I do believe that.
I will never walk alone. Even till my last breath, even till I meet the almighty ALLAH.
Every single thing that I did wit my heart and deeds will follow me excluded my family, friends and property.
"Allah does not look at your appearance or your possessions; but He looks at your heart and your deeds." (Abu Huraira: Muslim)
Simpan ja la hajat dalam diri.
Takut enda menjadi bila dihebah kan.
Terlalu byk dalam list .
Cukup utk kawan2 mendoakan.-ameen-
Last but not least, a gazillion thanks to my families, and friends for being there when I needed.
Glad to be a part of you guys.
Sorry for things that i made that hurt.
A new year, new dream, new wish, new hopes and new beginning of life.
Life is like a story book and you are the author.
Fulfill with our own imagination, creativity and continue with preparing yourself for death.
Every chapter has it owns story and it depends on us to create it, either want to make it happy ending or leave it with sad ending.
"Conduct yourself in this world, as if you are here to stay forever; prepare for eternity as if you have to die tomorrow." (Bukhari)
May our life will be bless by the almighty ALLAH and praise to our beloved prophet Muhammad s.a.w.-ameen-
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Tuesday at KLCC
When I saw the clock it was 10.30am.
In rushed I get-up from the bed and directly went to took shower.
It’s 11.00 am and my mobile phone rang for the second time.
The first thing in my mind was my ticket. Does she get a ticket for me?
When I answered her, “yahoo, thanks for it.”
She did it!!
Locked-up the door and went out from the house.
Queuing up for the tickets made me breathless.
It’s about the time. It was really envy on me.
Reached there at 11.30 am and the movie starts at 11.45am.
Directly enter the hall and looks for my sit.
I couldn’t get a pop corn for my self.
at last i watched twilight!!

It’s about loves between vampire and human.
How does he control himself and how does he protecting his girlfriend, bella.
This movie really gave a big impact on me.
Edward cullens, a vampire guy which is bella boyfriend.
Scared and secure, that’s what he tried to hide from bella
For bella, Edward is everything.
No matter who he is, he still Edward a boy who will never ever hurt her.
Gosh.. It was unbelievable.
How strong she is.
Have to keeps the entire secret from her parents, and friends.
Have to confront the vampire’s family member.
Have to hurt her dad when she walked away from home.
Have to face the devil vampire, james.

Edward, a protected guy who falls in loves.
Secure and always be there for bella.
Watching bella from far and be there when she needed.
Gosh!! How sweet it is.
Well, I guess every female in this world need someone who can protect them and Be there when they need it.

From theater I continue my steps to food court.
Had lunch with andrea.
Currently she is working at Isetan, KLCC.
Right from there I went to Kinokuniya.
Am searching for novel that been asked from my cousin, shasha.
Unfortunately I couldn’t get it.
And I just bought new novel for my self.
-my bestfriend's girl by dorothy koomson-
How far would you go for the best friend who broke your heart?

Well kind of excited because of it.
I’ll have a break first with updating my blog and give a way to my new novel.
Zirah my junior I did it – part II-
I can stay in my room at hostel for a week without going out.
Excluded go to toilet and buy food.
I can stay in my auntie house at Kl
I don’t know how to show my anger in front of my friends.
I don’t like hating people and I don’t know how to express
Cry when asking money from my mom.
I enjoy drinking coffee with my families.
I enjoy doing housework
Mimi Noorsin
Aini Atiqah
Zirah my junior I did it – part I::5+2=7::
1. Masliha Tiwol-my full name-
2. I have 2 sisters and 2 brothers
3. Love to drink coffee and tea.
4. Blueberry cheese cake is my favorite.
5. Love to be home
6. Eating delicious foods.
7. Hallmark my favorite channel.
7 things scared me in this world:
1.muslimin and muslimah fight with each other.
2.My sins-confirm banyak- L
3.Loosing someone I love.
4.Being hates by others.
5.Fail in my exam; especially nursing board exam soon.
Currently listen to:
1. 2nd hand serenade- fall for you.
2. chris brown feat keri hilson- superhuman
3. paramore- crush crush
4. Il divo- Isabel
5. Caramel- Tinggal Kenangan
6. unknown-Nae sarang ee ya
7. unknown- Num Ga Seum ee Ha Neun Mal
7 things that I always said:
1. OMG!!
2. YA KA?
3. IC
6. KAU NI HAH...
7 things that really priceless in my life:
1. Islam and quran
2. My families (semua keturunan)
3. My friends
4. My birth cert, Ic and all the important documents.
5. My stuffs.
6. My beloved sabah, and Malaysia.
7. My Career.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
sUnday Dates
Another day of weekends,
My auntie flew to Indonesia this morning.
And I would alone at home for 10 days.
Yesterday we went out to star hill, Lot10, and plaza low yat.
What did I do this morning?
Had a good breakfast with ocu fisah,
but she will leaving soon and I’ll be alone :::damn::: :(
And now,
I’m thinking to watch movie at theater but none of my friend available.(including o.fisah)
Ocu fisah is so lazy to go out,
Andrea is currently working part time at KLCC,
Mariam went out with her bf
(she did asked me to join them at sunway pyramid but I felt uneasy and lazy)
Haizz.. :(
It really kills my mood to go and watch.
Besides everyone will be busy preparing Christmas, busy looking for Christmas gifts.
How I wish lini’s here with me!! (Can accompany me watch movie)
How I wish can follow my aunties fly to Jakarta!!
(Enjoy your trip guys)
How I wish to be at kk!!
Last minute plan and this is my hols!!
My friend did invite me to her house at Malacca but I don’t feel like going there.
Go back to penang?
My cousin was not there. They went for vacation.
At last ended-up at home watching astro, online, reading novels, and listen to the music.
Well, I used to it.
Spending weekend at home and relaxed.
Friday, December 19, 2008
NST- today
Journalists are bad news when it’s time to wed.
Want to get married in Malaysia? Don’t become a journalist.
Educators, including teachers and professors, seem to have it good in the love department with 36 per cent approval from respondents, followed by doctors and nurses (29 per cent).
Busy with the environment, expose to diseases, and hard to get holidays.
Am not saying that these people were not going to married
My practical session gave me the picture of my career as a nurse.
Working according shift, 8-10 hours per day enough to make me tired.
*Alhamdulillah, practical session gave big impact on me.
I had the opportunity to learn, to practice and
Marriage was one of the important things in life after career.
But good marriage can results good career.
Looking for partner is not as easy as buying a new shirt,
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
What happen yesterday?
Nani, friend of dzarifah, just know her. –Nice to meet you-
Dzarifah drive us to KLIA, flight 9.15pm will sending lini back to kk.
Bye lini, see ya on January 09.
Am a litlle bit high because didn’t sleep for 21 hours.
I watched Korean drama’s-perfect match- for the whole night.
Dzarifah drop me at UKM station.
Alone sitting on the bench and waiting for the KTM to Rawang.
Due to not enough sleep am a bit confuse with the KTM.
He’s wearing black shirt with the headphone on the ear and took picture with his nokia’s phone.
At first I didn’t bother,
Huhu.. What a man?
During that time,
And yesterday,
While waiting for the KTM, I on the phone with lini and confirm with her.
She was laughing and shocked because I don’t know which side I should wait.
I was really nausea and felt like to vomit,
Not enough oxygen supply to my blood and my brain makes me feel want to faint.
Alhamdulillah arrive home safely.
Yahooo.. At last I saw bed!!
Bumped on my self on the bed and have a great sleep till the next morning.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
She Just Lost her CAT...
Well she just lost her cat; bobby (death),
According to her the cat was sick for this few days.
Besides, seldomly see around the house.
As easy as ABC my uncle said“just get a new cat”
Yeah rit…
It’s his time my dear.
Parasite In her minds
Looks unique and pretty but indeed it brings infection to human being.

Huhu.. That is just a part of protozoa.
Still have another group of parasites such as nematode, athropods and others.
Easy for her to pronounce and memorize the entire parasites name.
Well, it’s good for her since that is one of the subjects.
Lini’s is having her final semester exam,
Listen to the entire parasites name and the lab diagnosis including the life cycle.
Wow…lots of thing to memorize.
To be honest she’s good in memorizing parasites name but not well in memorizing the diseases. That’s a fact..*I guess u admit that lini*
Lucky I have the view of the parasites and the diseases,
so am not so shocked when listen to the weird names.
While doing the revision,
As usual lini’s continue with her reading and me too.
I start to revise all the subject that been learn for this 2 years and it’s a lot.
Since this is her final semester and last revision with me.
I’m going to miss this. (Revision+laughing+eating+gossiping.)
Hey buddy, wish u all the best.

*picture taken;2007*
alhamdulillah another chance of living and breathing.
Thank you ALLAH.
Glad to be alive.
That morning my cousins wake me up with her phone call.
At first I thought my aunty calling me, but when I hear the voice…
Nahhh…my cousin’s voice.
As usual our conversation start with greeting and saying “selamat hari raya aidiladha”
I got the chance to talk with them, including my sister.
So, good to hear their voices, damn miss all of them.
How I wish I be there too.
I still remember when my cousin, erra says
“am wearing purple baju kurung, how bout u?"
I just laugh and answer her
“Sure you look cute on your baju kurung, I will let u see my picture k”
“Have you taken your breakfast? What do you have for it? Crackers ?”
“Not yet, besides, our café not open yet, and I’ll have bread with milo”
“Pity on you, we just finish our breakfast”
That’s what my cousin, yumi said.
I wish to be there and having breakfast with them.
When I talk to my younger sister, this is what she asked:
“How’s your raya?”
“wawa…I’ll celebrate with lini, and for sure both of us will be having good time”
“hahaha.. Good time?2 orang ja?”
Well, thanks guys cause calling me. Haha..
I knew it!!
you guys going to call me that morning.
Miss me right? Haha :P
Oh ya… thanks for those who sending me text and comment at fs.
Mimi, can’t wait for the next raya, so I can eat your kelupis.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
night before aidiladha
Yeah right “selamat hari raya aidiladha”
That’s what my cousin said.
Every time aidiladha remind us about prophet Ibrahim s.a.w.
Where he sacrifice his own son, prophet Ismail s.a.w
And it still continues parents who sacrifice for their kids;
No matter how hard it is our parents still love us,
Do we love them as much as they love us?
In the morning (raya) while everyone having breakfast with their family,
There’s a people crying out there, remembering the past.
Parents who lost their kids, a husband who lost their wife and a family who lost their relative.
Tears come out, crying for the loves one.
Life goes on. May God bless them.
I try to remember what I have done for the whole year.
What is my sacrifice?
Did I’ve done my job as a muslim, a daughter, a sister, a student, a friend?
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Nasi Lemak 6 Pagi
Sunday the day after Saturday...
Another wonderful day, no classes, wake-up late, lunch at 3pm (padahal exam weeks now)
Didn’t sleep for the whole night and change the routine (like an owl)
Hungry!! That’s what I can shout when I didn’t sleep for the whole night
The thing in my mind was Nasi lemak 6 am.
"Lini,call afzan to buy for us…"
haha...hahaha.. :)*both of us laughing*
afzan lini's bf a.k.a partner in crime is the one who always help us to buy at cempaka puri
(off-campus hostel)
But now he at KK.. Spending every moment there..(Grad od.)
Hehe..neway thanks afzan cause helping us (mestilakan..lini's partner in crime :P)

To be honest I am thankful because having good friends with me.
Yeah rite…
Good friends’ a.k.a matchmaker.
Don’t even talk bout my families.
Lini, my matchmaker at nilai working together with my families
Mimi, my matchmaker at kk working alone without partner
My other friends (I guess u guys know who u r)
My sis,Noni:: OMG!! She also included..::damn::..
Well, it’s not a good idea to let others know who is my matchmaker

And with one mission
“We want the best for you”
Wawa..i do appreciate it.
I still can make friends with them right? Haha*laughing*
Thanks guys! *touch*
No worries I’ll let u guys know when it’s time…
Just pray the best for me.~ameen~
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Yesterday Notes
Jari-jemari terus menekan papan kekunci, mata ligat mencari nota semalam.
Kini telah kutemui di alam maya hasil nukilan guruku(ustz.ony).
Beliau yang mengajarku untuk mengenal keindahan sastera.
Memberi aku ruang untuk menyelubungi karya2 agung.
Mata seolah-olah tidak letih meneruskan kerja untuk membaca bait2 ayat
Hati memberi ruang untuk terus menerima,
dan kini aku sedar nota semalam pasti terus ku ingat kerana ia aku kenal apa itu sastera.
Apa indahnya dunia pena.
Cintaku tegar,
Rinduku berdebar,
Getaran itu kian kurasakan
Luka semalam masih kekal,
Tapi cuba ku tepis,
Kini semua tinggal kenangan,
Kenangan yang membawa penuh makna.
Besides, this film also won

Hassan is a rich man and well known among the villagers. But because of Sazali, everyone looks down on him. He might be good in working and also kind people but he fail in raise up one little boy (sazali). Since he (sazali) knows that his father loves him so much he become more daring to confront his teacher at school and more badly he cheated on Hassan.

“Don’t spoil him with your love”
But during that time, Hassan was so naïve. He always tries to cover his son. And never mad at him. All this while he just advising him. But in the end, he is the one who suffer and disappointed.

Who we are now is because what we choose to be.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Continue Working.
Memorize and understand every single phrase that you read
Try to re-call every single words that been mention in the class and try to flip all the notes that been wrote during the class.
Yeah right, now everyone try to focus and revise everything that they been learning through out the semester.

My juniors;
yeah…you guys just finish exam last week, don’t you?
And my seniors esp k.sue
LJM exam just around the corner, hope u guys can pass with flying colors.
Shella, and fatin;
one paper for this sem, well this is your final semester. May Allah bless both of you
keep working k. get enough sleep;
don’t stay up so late, its sounds like you are killing yourself. 3 papers more to go!!!
Doa+usaha+tawakal= kejayaan

To all people out there who will be having test or exam, wish u guys all the best.
And may all the works that you have done will get pay off with your results.
To be honest I do love this part of her article:
“Love is such a wonderful thing for humankind cannot describe it with words. It is stronger than ecstasy, it makes you longing for more as you fall,you crawl,you beg and you fall again. Still,you never stop because deep inside you know you would die for it.”
Yeah rite mimi. Love is the greatest thing in this world. And it depends on our own self to make it more priceless and enjoy every second on it.
Love to ALLLAH will help you along your ways, to choose and decide the right path for you. (It’s the way of living)
Love your own family will makes you stronger and face new life without fear with knowing there always be there for you.
Loves your own friends will make you understand more how to communicate with others and how to face new challenge and learn to accept new things.
Love with your boyfriend/girlfriend (special)?? Haha…well just love him/her because of ALLAH and if you believe she/he can help and guide you to become a good person, there you are.
Superhuman song sang by chris brown featuring keri hilson.
Thanks mimi cause sharing with me this song, its really nice. Indeed it really meaningful and
that’s really show how’s love can make someone become superhuman.

I see though the me I used to be
Monday, December 1, 2008
a part of my history
I was like try to yell out “its enough” I rather to be a nanny or doing any jobs as long as not a promoter. Well, it might be my first and my last (will see).
Promoter is not easy as what we see, seeing them standing the whole day. OMG!! It’s really exhausted. They are not just standing but need to promote to the customer.
Working as a sampling girl a.k.a promoter for 12 hours give me a lot of experience.
I got this job from my friend, andrea.
She’s the one who settle everything for me and I just came to work.
I don’t even know who is my in-charge, according to andrea he is a young Chinese guy. Besides, andrea gave me his mobile number. Haha.. I walk to the LRT station and start queuing up to get a ticket to maluri... You know, everything will be my first time for today.
Ah chong and his friend were so good to me.

They explain to me everything and tell me not to be scared.
They gave me a form to become as my pass to get into the jusco.
So, when enter through the staff entrance I have to pass this security (I hate her!!!) wow, too early to judge people right? Furthermore it’s my first time seeing her., during that time, I wearing a black tudung, black shirt with a black pan and a black leather shoes.
To be honest I don’t know and I don’t have idea bout how she want me to ties my tudung.
She just asks me to tie it up but she didn’t show it. And I keep enter the changing room for three times! I was really angry. I ask her to help but she seems like HELPLESS to me. I wish I am the boss daughter that been asked to pretend as a promoter.
I understand she try to be strict and follow the rules, but is that hard for her to help? Huhu (sighing)
And at last, she let me in.
Ah chong and his friend just smile and look at me. They help me to arrange my place.
At 10am the jusco start to open means my work start. Standing there and smile for the whole day.
To be honest I enjoying working with the workers there (organic and vegetable section) they were really friendly.
They tell me what I should and shouldn’t do. Wow..(surprise) Now I know there are a lot of rules that I need to follow. To be honest I am not that daring to break the rules.
Haha.. Example, once they said break for 45mins means that’s my break. Haha.
On the other hand my other friends still can have more than that.
Well, my days end-up at 10pm. Yahoo.. Left 48 hours more to go, am counting every hour.
2nd day working, it was really terrible. I am late. But its ok, at least I came.
And this time I prepare my dates sampling inside the vegetable section (the place they prepare and package the vegetable). The workers there were so good to me. They help me with cutting the sample and at the same time I let them try my sample. Even the supervisor tells me what I should wear before start doing work. (Wear apron, mask, and plastic gloves)
To be honest I still mad at the security!! Well it’s their job but please be tolerate. Even my second day they still look for my fault. Damn!!! Am so sad!! And It really affect my days, well that’s the starting of my days at working place, been checked by the security.
Thanks mimi and lini.
Yeah rite, I need to be more patient and at least I know how it feels when working.
But now I realize am not a good promoter.
I admit that am a talkative person but when comes to be a promoter am speechless.
I feel like I don’t have things to say out. For the whole day I have to say “have try miss/sir” and also need to explain bout my products.
Well, am promoting luxury dates with nuts and also dates with nuts covered with chocolate.
My selling was so bad. Huhu…actually they pay me based on my working days and not based on the selling. In this case, I don’t have to bother bout my selling, but I need to sell it for my own satisfaction. I am dead meat when knowing my products are not been sells.
3rd day working;
12 hours more to go. Continue counting the hours. Well, everyone there (worker) just smile and looks pity on me. When see me, the only words they ask was “have you taken your break?”. I just smile and answer them, “I will”
Working as a promoter at jaya jusco maluri giving me an experience that I can’t get when start working next time. Soon, I’ll be a staff nurse who will follow doctor’s round and be there to safe a life and serve for community but not as a promoter girl who will standing there and looking for a customer to buy my product. After working as a promoter I learn a lot and realize that not everyone can work as a promoter. And here I know my limit. And the worse thing is I don’t even know that my big boss is coming. After lunch hour, as usual I came to my booth and start with my preparing my sample. So, this guy standing there and asking me “what am I selling” so, I explain to him from A to Z. gosh!! The way I explain to him seems like am having an OSCE exam, which is a lab exam for the nursing student where we need to explain the procedure that we are doing.
I try not to leave any important point. At last he gives me 3 boxes dates. OMG!!! I was wonder, who is him, then he gave me his card and he introduces himself.
Damn!!! I was like stunt for a while and get shocked but I just pretend to be calm.
(deep breathing).
And with him one Chinese girl, with a boxes of dates with nuts covered with chocolate.
“This is for you, good explanation and your info is correct” I just smile.
Well, actually I heard all that info from my uncle and I read it in the internet. Haha…
But its ok at least he come and see by his own what’s happening and why my selling was so bad.
And you know what? It’s because of the price. At other JUSCO they are selling for half price and my place, they didn’t change the price tag and even I myself don’t even know bout this. And I get to know this thing once I have a phone call with andrea that morning.
She’s telling me that my place was so expensive compare to her.
So, my boss, mr steven help me to change all the price tag and confirm with the sales supervisor. I was like frustrated with this thing. You know for 2 and half days I work with nothing with the expensive price and only few boxes selling.
In the system they correcting it but only at my booth they didn’t change the tags.(sighing)
After changing the price, then I can get few people to come and buy my product.
At last…am done. Yahoo.. Finally, I’ll be home and no need to wake up at 8am and start working at 10am. Spending 3 days as a promoter make me know who am I. a girl who can’t just standing and become a promoter. Even the pay is quite high but I am not satisfied and I can’t do it. We have to belief that each human being in this world has their on advantage and it depends to us on how we used it. Allah has made us to be as good as He can and it depends on us to choose the ways. When god decides to test on us, means he knows our limit.
He wants us to know and look into our self who we are and what can we do for Him.
With allah blessed I end-up my three days working with gaining new experience.
Not only as a promoter but more than that, it teach me how valuable is life especially working as a servant. And I just wonder why some of us were so shy when saying they are working as a promoter or else as a cashier at supermarket or as a security. Well, those peeps are really important. They get the salary based on what they did and not everyone can become just like them. Even you have the education but you don’t have the soul-called as a humble or patience you can’t do that. No matter how friendly you are but when comes to this thing; you will know how good you are in communication. All of this are so general and needs time to learn and understand it. The skill must be in your self. Different people different opinions and different view of how it’s happen.
Thanks to andrea cause finding me this jobs.
Ocu Ida,Ocu Pisah n Nganga; I know it’s hard to get an $$
My friends in college now; lini, shella, k.sue, fatin, and tiyah(fatin’s sis); I got something for u guys.
Mimi my high school friend; yeah rite I learn a lot ere, and I will never forget it. Thanks for your words.
Fariz; I rather be a staff nurse compare as a promoter. It’ really makes me speechless n enough to say I don’t have the confident on it.
To all peeps out there, become a promoter needs more patience, skills and also good communication. It’s not as simple as switch on a tv or tell a story to your friends. it will be more harder than that.